Tonight is the Cornbelt Fresh/Soph Conference meet. I will be going to this meet and Coach Neisler will be staying at school with the remaining Junior/Senior athletes.
All F/S athletes are encouraged to attend this meet regardless of whether or not you are assigned an event.
Michelle Styczynski, Kara Henry, Jessica Baker, Rhea Gibson, Amber Nanni and Leah Taylor will be dismissed from school at 2p and leave on a mini bus I will be driving at 2:15p to have time to prepare for their 4p events. All remaining athletes will be dismissed at their usual time and the bus will leave as soon as possible after ... no later than 3:10p. Please be ready on time! Coach Carr will be supervising the bus we will share with the boys FS team.
Meet information:
2014 Corn Belt Conference
F/S Track Meet
May 6, 2014
hosted by Pontiac High School
Scoring: 6 places for individual events(10-8-6-4-2-1) and 6 places for relays(10-8-6-4-2-1).
Restrooms/Concessions: Restrooms and concessions will be available at the track.
We would like your athletes to stay out of the school buildings and please be responsible for picking up trash from your team camps.
Spikes and Markings on the Track and Runways: Spikes should be ¼” or shorter,
tape and rocks are not allowed as relay markers and chalk should be used to make marks on the runways.
Time Schedule:
4:00 pm- Field Events
- High Jump(girls first)-Opening heights(To be determined)
- Long Jump(boys first)-3 preliminary jumps, then the top 9 jumpers will get 3 more jumps in the Finals.
- Triple Jump(girls first following long jump)-3 preliminary jumps, then the top 9 jumpers will get 3 more jumps in the Finals.
- Discus(girls first)-3 preliminary throws followed by 9 participants receiving 3 Finals throws.
- Shot Put(boys first)-3 preliminary throws followed by 9 participants receiving 3 Finals throws.
- Pole Vault(boys first)-Opening heights(To be determined)
- Girls/Boys 100 M. Dash
- Boys 110 M. HH
- Girls 100 M. HH
- 3200 M. Relay(g/b)
- 400 M. Relay(g/b)
- 3200 M. Run(g/b)
- 100 M. HH(g)/110 HH(b)
- 100 M. Dash(g/b)
- 800 M. Run(g/b)
- 800 M. Relay(g/b)
- 400 M. Dash(g/b)
- 300 M. IH(g/b)
- 1600 M. Run(g/b)
- 200 M. Dash(g/b)
- 1600 M. Relay(g/b)
- LJ: Pinter, O'Shea
- TJ: Styczynski, Henry
- Shot: Halman, Gibson
- Discus: Baker, Gibson
- HJ: Nanni, Taylor
- PV: Reeves
- 100H Stonewall, Henry
- 100M McDowell, Mathieson
- 800M Nanni, Khusro
- 400M Jordan, Taylor
- 300H Stonewall, Henry
- 1600M Supan, Landess
- 200M Gilbert, Smiley
- 4 x 800 Supan, Landess, Nanni, Khurso
- 4 x 100 Gilbert, Hughes, Smiley, Mathieson
- 4 x 200 Gilbert Mathieson, Stonewall, Smiley
- 4 x 400 Taylor, Jordan, Nanni, Shepard (Alt. Styczynski, Pinter, Reeves, )
Thanks to all of our parents for their outstanding support this year! We need you more than ever these next few meets when every place, inch and 100th of a second may mean the difference in scoring, winning and/or qualifying for state. We appreciate our track groupies ... thanks so much for the support!!