Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Meet Saturday April 9

Springfield Southeast Highschool
Link to map below
Bus leaves UHigh @ 7:15am SHARP
Be at school common area no later than 7:10am
Will will NOT hold the bus
Return scheduled @5:00pm but calls should be made when leaving Springfield.
Plan for a LONG day, bring your survial kit
Hand sanitizer
WATER-notice this is on the list 3 times???
SUN SCREEN--don't think this is important?  Have fun running next week if sunburned!

Directions for Fans
Springfield Southeast
2350 E Ash St.
Springfield, IL  62703
Take I-55 South to Springfield.  Take the first South Grand Avenue exit.  Go to Taylor, turn left, and go approximately 2 blocks to Southeast HS
If you plan to leave with a parent, you MUST notify me before you leave. 
You will not be allowed to ride home with anyone other than a parent unless I have a note signed by your parents.
If there is a parent interested in assisting at the meet Saturday, please have them contact me at 309/310-3018 or by e-mail as soon as possible.